Marathon Checklist

Gearing up to run the VCM next weekend!

We're staying a short 1 mile from the race, which has a 7:15AM start.

Time Task
6AM Wake up
6-6:30AM Coffee, breakfast, salt, dressed
6:30-6:45AM Walk to start
6:45-7:15AM Wait around
7:15AM Run run run

Checklist, perhaps in very rough order of importance:

[x] Shoes [ ] Socks (in wash) [ ] Shorts (in wash) [x] Shirt [x] Salt (4+ packs of LMNT, for night before, morning) [x] Body glide [ ] Phone belt [ ] Garmin charger (pack this later in week) [x] Sunglasses [ ] Hat (find the Ciele one) [ ] Sunscreen [x] Baking soda gel (Amp stuff) [x] Bottle with [fast medicine] [x] Bottle with superstarch [ ] Whoop charger (pack later in week) [x] Extra carbs (Precision Fuel 90g)